Volunteering for Children
As a Family
We moved to Moldova for at least two year
to work at a day care center.
This is our personal story.
The temperatures are getting cooler and the nut trees in our garden are trying to hit us with their protein bombs. But how was our summer? - Beautiful, hot and there was a new addition to the family...
Spring is here, and with it not only nature awakens, but also our zest for action in the garden.
(* Yep, it's already May and the newsletter is a bit late 🙂
In our last blog post, we reported on the beginning of our furlough. Now I'll tell you the second half of the story.
We have been in Switzerland since mid-October and are enjoying the good food, speaking Swiss German, our friends, family and the rain.
The first two years of our mission in Moldova are coming to an end.
What's next?
After helping in Boscana during the winter, spring brought a small new beginning.
As indicated in the last newsletter, we changed teams internally and I started a new job.
Anna (8 years old) helped out and tells you how she experienced the week.
Don't miss anything anymore!
We send out a newsletter every one to two months.
Guaranteed content-full and spam-free.