About Babies, Holidays, Farewell Party and Money

About Babies, Holidays, Farewell Party and Money

Don't miss, in August we will celebrate our farewell party. Here you can register! And look at baby and vacation photos right away.

― by Silvia / 8. July 2021

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Hey baby

After the little one surprised us quite a bit the first time 9 months ago, he let us wait a bit longer at the end. On May 27, finally, our little big Elia was born at our home.

By now he is almost 6 weeks old and we are all totally in love with him. The kids sometimes even fight really hard over who gets to hold him first. Most of the time daddy wins because he is the biggest.


Before it really starts in July and August with cleaning out the apartment, filling out 1001 documents and packing lots of things, we were on vacation for one more week. Do nothing – just switch off again before the brain and body are working at full speed for 2 months.

Actually, we wanted to have a wonderful bathing vacation at Lake Neuchâtel. But, unfortunately, the weather in Switzerland right now is a bit wet, cold and blasted. So spontaneously, 2 days before the start of the vacations, we had the glorious idea to go to Italy. Online quickly booked a small farm camping, made the necessary Coronatest and off for a week near Lake Garda. Sun, pool, horses, amusement park and gelato
– it was wonderfully relaxing.

As I write these lines, I wonder if this was a preparation for Moldova. To change your mind spontaneously and quickly, to be flexible, not to fixate too firmly on the plan?

We will see…

Farewell party

August 15 in Thierachern

Now we are back in Switzerland and planning our farewell party. We are very excited to invite family, relatives, friends, acquaintances and neighbors to our big, simple barbecue party.

Update:The festival was great, and we wanted to add a few impressions here afterwards. Unfortunately, we forgot to take photos. 🙂

Thanks to all who stopped by.


We Swiss don’t like to talk about money – yet it is crucial for our work. As of August we are working on a honorary basis. This means that we pay for our entire salary. This is only possible in the long term thanks to regular donations from partners.

We have already achieved part of the contribution target. For us to reach full coverage, however, there is still a good bit missing. Would you also like to help us make a difference in Moldova? Register today so that we can create perspectives together with you.

When should I start donating?

We have been asked several times when to donate?
We’ll be happy to leave that up to you.

  • You can already donate now, because with the move and the training we already have costs in August and certain expenses have to be paid in advance. In addition, this gives us a little cushion in case we don’t fully reach our contribution goal from the start.
  • Or from September, when we arrive in Moldova.
Our work is made possible by supporters like you.

Online Shop & Support

Our work is 100% financed by our supporters.
Thank you very much to everyone who is already doing this.

What are your thougths?

Send us a message with your ideas
and thoughts, we look forward to it.